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  • Sep 11,2024

    Join Us for the Latest in Medical Innovation!

    Join Us for the Latest in Medical Innovation! We are excited to announce that the China Medical Equipment Fair (CMEF) will take place from October 12 to October 15, 2024 at the Bao'an district Shenzhen city, bringing together industry professionals f...

  • Sep 18,2023

    Ningbo Albert novosino's Revolutionary Ear Dryer Sets a New Standard for Comfort and Hygiene

    Ningbo,Auguest 1,2023-Ningbo Albert novosino, a leading innovator in personal care products, is delighted to announce the launch of our newest product, the revolutionary Ear Dryer. Designed with the utmost focus on comfort and hygiene, this cutting-edge device is set to transform the way we care for our ears.

  • Sep 18,2023

    Do you know what is Eustachian tube? how to solve the block of eustachian tube ?

    The Eustachian tube is a narrow tube that connects the middle ear to the back of the throat. It plays a crucial role in equalizing pressure and draining fluid from the middle ear. When the Eustachian tube becomes blocked or fails to function properly, it can lead to symptoms such as ear pain, muffled hearing, and a feeling of fullness in the ear. Common causes of Eustachian tube blockage include allergies, sinus infections, colds, and changes in altitude.

  • Sep 18,2023

    Do you know what is coffee enema ? what is the benefit of enema?

    A coffee enema is a type of enema that involves using coffee as a liquid to flush out the colon and rectum. This procedure typically involves mixing brewed coffee with water, letting it cool down, and then introducing it into the rectum using an enema kit or other enema devices. The liquid stays in the colon for a short period before being expelled.As for the potential benefits of enemas in general, they are believed to help with colon cleansing, detoxification, and certain medical conditions.Some of the supposed benefits include: